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Assisted Living Communities in Dayton, Ohio

Assisted living communities in Dayton, OH offer older adults a supportive environment that combines housing, services, and amenities with wellness-focused personal care designed to enhance and preserve independence. In Dayton, the average cost of an assisted living community is approximately $6,750 per month, compared to the national average of $5,350 per month1.

Assisted Living in Dayton, OH

Assisted living is a welcome solution for seniors who need some level of support to live their best lives. The assisted living lifestyle in Dayton has significantly enhanced the lives of millions of seniors by providing personalized care, fostering social connections, and offering comfortable, homelike environments that make life carefree. For families, assisted living provides the peace of mind that comes from knowing loved ones are receiving the professional care, support and social connections they need to thrive.

Compared to other senior living options, assisted living facilities in Dayton offer more support than independent living but less intensive medical care than nursing homes. Unlike memory care, which is tailored for people who are living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia, assisted living caters to a broader range of needs.

Cost of Assisted Living in Dayton, OH

On average, the cost of assisted living in Dayton is $6,7501. This typically includes personalized support with daily activities like bathing, dressing, and medication management, a safe, maintenance-free environment, daily social engagement, three meals per day, housekeeping services, plenty of everyday conveniences, and access to health services.
Price differences in Dayton are driven by factors such as local cost of living, the availability of assisted living facilities, and the levels of care, services, and amenities offered. State- and city-specific development, healthcare policies, and regulations may also impact price.

Get to Know Dayton

Birthplace of the Wright Brothers, Dayton, Ohio has a population of nearly 136,000. The greater metro area, however, encompasses a population of around 750,000. The median age of Dayton residents is approximately 32.7 years, representing a younger-than-average population. Life expectancy varies by neighborhood, ranging from 61 to 75 years.

There are numerous assisted living facilities in the Dayton area providing seniors with a range of communities that match their needs and preferences. The overall cost of living in Ohio is lower than the national average, which may help offset costs. The city is home to several reputable hospitals and healthcare facilities that offer a range of services tailored to the needs of older adults. Additionally, Dayton has outpatient clinics and specialized senior healthcare programs ensuring that seniors have comprehensive and convenient healthcare options.

A city in western Ohio, Dayton is home to the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, with a vast collection of aircraft from early 1900s planes to a space shuttle exhibit. Carillon Historical Park presents the region’s history through interactive exhibits and historic buildings – including a Wright Brothers plane. The Dayton Art Institute features diverse art collections and rotating exhibitions. The Boonshoft Museum of Discovery provides engaging science and natural history exhibits, perfect for families, especially grandkids. For outdoor enthusiasts, Dayton is home to over 16,000 acres of parkland including Five Rivers MetroParks with its scenic trails, gardens and recreational opportunities. Additionally, the Oregon District is a vibrant area known for its historic charm, unique shops, dining and nightlife.


  1. Sourced by Genworth Financial, Inc.