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Assisted Living Communities in Los Angeles, California

Assisted living communities in Los Angeles, CA offer older adults a supportive environment that combines housing, services and amenities with wellness-focused personal care designed to enhance and preserve independence. In Los Angeles, the average cost of an assisted living community is approximately $5,748 per month, compared to the national average of $5,350 per month1.

Assisted Living in Los Angeles, CA

Assisted living is a welcome solution for seniors who need some level of support to live their best lives. The assisted living lifestyle in Los Angeles has significantly enhanced the lives of millions of seniors by providing personalized care, fostering social connections, and offering comfortable, homelike environments that make life carefree. For families, assisted living provides the peace of mind that comes from knowing loved ones are receiving the professional care, support and social connections they need to thrive.

Compared to other senior living options, assisted living facilities in Los Angeles offer more support than independent living but less intensive medical care than nursing homes. Unlike memory care, which is tailored for people who are living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia, assisted living caters to a broader range of needs.

Cost of Assisted Living in Los Angeles, CA

On average, the cost of assisted living in Los Angeles is $5,7481. This typically includes personalized support with daily activities like bathing, dressing, and medication management, a safe, maintenance-free environment, daily social engagement, three meals per day, housekeeping services, plenty of everyday conveniences, and access to health services.

Price differences in Los Angeles are driven by factors such as local cost of living, the availability of assisted living facilities and the levels of care, services and amenities offered. State- and city-specific development, healthcare policies and regulations may also impact price.

Assisted Living Costs in Los Angeles vs. Other Cities in California

Get to Know Los Angeles

Los Angeles is the largest city in California with a population of nearly 3.9 million people. The median age of residents is approximately 36. The city has a diverse population with Hispanics and Latinos representing nearly half of the city’s total population. The health of LA residents is characterized by a relatively high life expectancy (82 years old), though underserved communities experience higher rates of chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease, as well as mental health challenges and substance use issues which affects mortality

Los Angeles is a good place for assisted living due to its extensive healthcare infrastructure, diverse assisted living communities and year-round mild climate. LA is home to some of the country’s best medical facilities and offers a robust network of social services for seniors. Additionally, various local organizations provide specialized support for housing, legal assistance and caregiver resources that compliment state and city services. The city also offers numerous cultural and recreational activities, ensuring a vibrant and engaging lifestyle for seniors.

Los Angeles offers a wealth of activities and attractions for all ages and all interests. Hollywood offers the Walk of Fame, TCL Chinese Theater and the iconic Hollywood sign. Outdoor enthusiasts frequent Griffith Park and Observatory for its hiking trails, panoramic city views and stargazing. The Getty Center and Los Angeles County Museum of Art feature impressive and diverse art exhibits. Rodeo Drive and its luxury boutiques provide a glimpse into the upscale ambiance of Beverly Hills. The Santa Monica Pier, Universal Studios, Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens are also popular sites. These attractions, combined with the city’s rich cultural scene, diverse dining options and beautiful natural landscapes, make Los Angeles a dynamic and exciting place to visit – and retire.


  1. Sourced by Genworth Financial, Inc.

Assisted Living Communities in California