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Assisted Living

Assisted living is residential senior living that, in addition to providing a safe, engaging and vibrant lifestyle, offers personalized help with the activities of daily living.

Assisted Living Facts.

of U.S. adults age 85+ say they either need or currently receive help with activities of daily living like eating, bathing and taking medications.
Reports show most assisted living community residents, moved in between the ages of 75 and 84.

What Is Assisted Living?

Assisted living communities have helped enhance quality of life for millions of seniors. By ensuring access to needed support and an uplifting, meaningful lifestyle, assisted living residents can continue living as independently as possible. Find out what assisted living offers and who this type of senior living community may benefit most.

A Lifestyle to Love.

Assisted living helps solve a common problem with living at home – isolation. The assisted living lifestyle combines engagement, activity and fun with needed support and assistance.  Communities offer countless daily opportunities to socialize with new friends, family and staff. Residents take art and baking classes. They belong to clubs. They garden. They laugh. They connect! Why is socialization so important as we age?  Learn more about the importance of socialization. 

Can Assisted Living Really Improve Quality of Life?

Yes. Hear Dr. Lisa Eldridge and Jocelyn Lee, an assisted living director, as they explain what assisted living is, why families should not wait too long to consider it as a senior living option, and how it can support longevity and healthier, happier living.

Assisted Living: What You Need to Know

As the activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, preparing meals or managing medications become more of a challenge, assisted living may be just what seniors need to continue enjoying a full life – on their own terms.

Assisted living is also known as residential care or personal care depending on the state you live in and the community’s licensure. Although there are some distinctions between the different licenses, the level of care associated with each is designed to offer necessary support so residents can enjoy optimal independence.

Seniors in assisted living continue to live as independently as possible while they receive the support they need.

Maintaining independence is important for people as they age. In fact, losing the ability to operate on their own is one of the biggest fears people have. An overwhelming majority want to remain in their own homes, and understandably so, but life can be made so much better when you have help with the activities you do every day.

Frequently Asked Questions: Assisted Living

Ready to Start Your Search?

As you think about assisted living as an option, remember that it’s not about giving up independence or the good parts of life. It’s about getting the right kind of help – which can go a long way toward maintaining independence and enhancing quality of life.

If you’re ready to take the next step, then use our location finder below to find an assisted living community near you! You’ll learn all about the communities in your area and be able to schedule tours to get a true glimpse into the lifestyle that awaits.

Is Assisted Living the Right Choice?

Take a 5-minute survey to get a personalized recommendation on what type of senior living option suits you or your loved one’s needs, preferences and lifestyle. The survey tool is also helpful in determining when it might be time for assisted living.

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