Joy Loverde

Joy Loverde has a reputation for being a path carver and visionary. She kick-started her career by introducing eldercare as an employee benefit to corporate America during a time when childcare benefits prevailed. Joy’s life-long commitment to older adults has taken her to every corner of the globe where she has personally interacted with thousands of caregivers and industry professionals.
“When we plan, we have choices.” This is the promise of both of her books. The Complete Eldercare Planner: Where to Start, Which Questions to Ask, and How to Find Help (2023, Revised & Updated 4th Edition, Random House) is a trusted resource that has remained a best-seller in its category for decades. The American Medical Association says, “It’s the best book we’ve seen.”
Who Will Take Care of Me When I’m Old? (2017, DaCapo) is an equally respected resource. Critics hail the book as “illuminating and eye-opening” and “required reading for everyone over 40.”
Over 30 years’ experience as a keynote speaker and consultant, Joy specializes in marketing events for active adult and senior living communities to increase occupancy and gain exposure to the lucrative Boomer market. Sponsors of Joy’s keynotes also include employers, women’s groups, insurance, law and wealth management firms, teaching institutions, and fundraising, among others.
A seasoned on-camera spokesperson, Joy has been interviewed on the TODAY Show, CBS Early Show, NPR, ABC News, Good Morning America, SiriusXM, among many others. During her career, she has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, TIME, New York Times, U.S. News & World Report, Reuters, Washington Post, Good Housekeeping, Chicago Tribune, Psychology Today, Reader’s Digest, and Money among others. USA Today featured Joy’s work in a four-part series.
Joy is an active member of the Joint Civic Committee of Italian-Americans and New York City’s Stonewall Community Development Corporation LGBTQ+ initiatives.